Saturday, July 14, 2012

03 ♥ প্রেম গীত ♥ chanson d'amour ♥ Art of Loving

প্রেম গীত  ♥  chanson d'amour  ♥  03

           প্রেম   শিল্প              

চামড়ার মধ্যে আবদ্ধ থেকে জ্বরাগ্রস্ত হয়ে ধ্বংস হওয়া..
এই চামড়া আর জ্বরা ... দুটিই পরম শত্রু..
আসল টা হল স্বেদ...
[যেমন বলেছেন আমাদের পূর্বসুরীরা...]
এ'ছাড়া না পারে জিবন লড়তে, না পারে
প্রেম ভালবাসায় পর্যবসিত হতে...

জোসে সারামাগো
theme translated by Niél
চিত্র :  কোলাজ্  The Embrace  -  Lying by Moonlight  - Anonymous ]    |  জয়্ অল্ডারস্

    Art of Loving           

To be dried inside the skin that refutes

Two are the same as enemies.

After all, the main thing is the sweat

(Just as the old concept):

Without it, life would not fight,

Love would not be Love

José Saramago
theme translated by Niél
Image   :   The Embrace   -  Lying by Moonlight   -  Anonymous    |    Jay Alders

      Arte de Amar     

Metidos nesta pele que nos refuta,

Dois somos, o mesmo que inimigos.

Grande coisa, afinal, é o suor

(Assim já o diziam os antigos):

Sem ele, a vida não seria luta,

Nem o amor amor ...

theme translated by Niél
Imagem   :   The Embrace   -  Lying by Moonlight   -  Anonymous    |    Jay Alders

"The Embrace": Oil on Canvas 36"x60" © Jay Alders
This original surrealistic modern painting by artist, Jay Alders captivates the viewer upon first glance.  The characteristically elongated and stylized perspective and proportions typifies the style that Alders glorifies.
As if the subject matter itself isn’t intriguing enough in “The Embrace”, upon closer examination one can see the phallic subliminal imagery throughout the female form which adds a whole new dimension and meaning to this artwork.  This piece explores a man’s fantasy world interwoven with his passionate love life.
Jay Alders is a fine artist, photographer & designer whose distinctive style & imaginative prowess is recognized around the world. His intricate brushwork, intense colors & superb compositions bring to life his signature elongated figures & stylized forms.
Alders has been pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a thriving professional artist since he was a child. His outlook on success is best described by him in a recent interview with ESPN, “Some people wait around for opportunity to come knocking. I prefer to just build my own door and open it.”
Fine Artist   :     Jay Alders        |        The Embrace     -     Lying by Moonlight       -   Anonymous

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